Podcast #08

“Company Aquisition”

Featuring Ben Stark

Intro: Welcome to Profiles In Prosperity with your host David Heimer.

David Heimer: Hi, this is David Heimer. Welcome to Profiles In Prosperity. Today we’re speaking with Ben Stark. I think everyone in the industry should know Ben stark. Ben’s a serial entrepreneur. He built and sold two great HVAC companies in Fort Worth, Texas, and was very successful doing it. He’s spoken at many industry events for us where he’s told the story about the two companies, what he learned from the first company and how he applied that to the second. It’s been very interesting stuff. It’s been really well received by the people that have heard it. And also what I appreciate about Ben is he’s a tremendous student of this industry. He’s developed an incredible knowledge base, and he’s such a nice guy. He’s always willing to share his information and ideas, which explains why he’s here with us today. So welcome, Ben.

Ben Stark: Well, thank you, David. You’re very kind in your words. I appreciate that.

David Heimer: It’s all true. So, there’s a lot we could talk about today, but I’d like to focus on one thing, ‘technician retention’. In a time when I heard a lot of contractors saying they couldn’t find the key people, you always had a line out the door of people who wanted to work for you and your retention rate was substantially better than average. But there’s sort of two parts to that discussion. One is how you find it, how you keep them. But I’d like to skip the discussion about how you find good techs and focus on what you did to keep them because I’ve heard you talk about this before. I thought it was some really unique ideas and great ideas that people could learn from. And what I’ve been thinking is, as you head into the busy season of the year, your technician crew becomes absolutely critical. It can really damage a company to lose a top tech during the busy season. Did you have a plan for keeping techs and particularly keeping them during the busy season?