Podcast #44

“Company Aquisition”

Featuring Dave Rothacker's

Intro: Welcome to Profiles in Prosperity, the leading podcast for residential service contractors, sponsored by Service Roundtable and hosted by David Heimer.

David Heimer: Hi, this is David Heimer, welcome to Profiles in Prosperity. Today we’re bringing back Dave Rothacker for another book discussion. I always look forward to these. Dave Rothacker is incredibly well-read, he is possibly the person that reads more business books than anyone else I know. But in addition, he does a lot more than reading. Dave is an author, a coach, and a consultant. He is an advisory board mentor for Service Nation Alliance. He writes for Comanche Marketing. He writes a weekly Saturday Rabbit Hole for Service Roundtable members. He blogs some fascinating stuff at Rothacker Reviews. But just a month ago, Dave was honored with the Servant Leader Award. This is a really prestigious award; it’s very rarely awarded, and it’s only given to those that have a lifetime of outstanding service to others. So it’s awesome that he won it. Dave welcome to Profiles in Prosperity, and congratulations on being named a servant leader. It’s a very well-deserved award and I was so happy to see that you won it.

Dave Rothacker: Thank you so much, David. It was a shock and I am beyond honored. I feel extremely honored to have won that award.

David Heimer: I was happy to see you get it. That was terrific. So today you said you were going to talk to me about three of the outstanding books that you’ve read this year. Which one do you want to start off with first?