Podcast #35

“Company Aquisition”

Featuring Corey Hickmann

Intro: Welcome to Profiles In Prosperity, the leading podcast for residential service contractors, sponsored by Service Roundtable and hosted by David Heimer.

David Heimer: Hi everybody, this is David Heimer, welcome to Profiles In Prosperity. Corey Hickmann is the owner of Comfort Matters Heating and Cooling, located in Maple Grove, Minnesota. Comfort Matters has enjoyed strong steady growth in sales, profitability, and people. Corey is well respected in our industry, he and his team have won more awards than I can possibly track. But among the long list are several quality Home Comfort Awards, they were named the Service Roundtable Contributor of the Year. They’re one of the Inc. 5000 fastest-growing private companies. They won the Service Nation Boundless Benefactor Award, which I think speaks to one of the other wonderful attributes of Corey, that he is generous with his time, and willingly shares ideas and information with others in our industry. Corey is also a Service Nation advisory board mentor. So, Corey Hickmann, welcome to Profiles In Prosperity. To start off with, how did you join our industry?

Corey Hickmann: Well, David thanks for inviting me in here today to do this. The industry start was, I don’t know if I was probably a whole lot different than most people. Graduating high school, and didn’t really have a career choice at that time, and my brother was already in the industry {inaudible 01:17} and he was working in the industry. So, I went off to a tech school {inaudible 1:22} and checked it out, decided it looked like it made sense, and that’s where I enrolled. I have stayed in the industry ever since.

David Heimer: So, why not a trade school? You went and worked for the train company, isn’t that right?