Podcast #103

“Dave Rothacker - 2023”

Featuring Dave Rothacker - 2023

Intro: Welcome to Profiles In Prosperity. The leading podcast for residential service contractors, sponsored by Service Roundtable and hosted by David Heimer.

David Heimer: Hi, this is David Heimer. Welcome to Profiles In Prosperity. If I was going to have heart surgery, I’d like to have a surgeon who has done a whole lot of heart surgeries. If my car needs to be fixed, I’d like a mechanic with experience and not the kid that just graduated from tech school. So when I’m looking for a business book recommendation, I talk to the guy that reads more business books than anyone else, Dave Rothacker. Every year, I invite Dave onto our podcast to give us the top three business books that he read the previous year, and it’s always been a fantastic episode. Our members love it. So let me tell you just a little bit about Dave. In addition to being a prolific reader, Dave is an author, coach, and consultant. He’s an advisory board mentor for Service Nation Alliance. He works with the Go Time Success Group. He writes a great weekly Saturday Rabbit Hole blog for the Service Roundtable members. Dave was honored with our industry’s best award, the most prestigious award, the Servant Leader Award. It’s rarely given. It’s only given to those with a lifetime of outstanding service to others. It’s the highest honor you can get in our industry and it’s very well deserved. So Dave Rothacker, welcome back to Profiles In Prosperity.

Dave Rothacker: Thank you, David. And thank you for inviting me. I love this. I love the opportunity to share my book love with listeners.

David Heimer: It is fun to do this. Before we get into our top three books for 2022, I wanted to note that this is the eighth time you’ve been on this podcast talking about books and other industry-related topics. Every year since I started this podcast, you’ve been a guest on this podcast reviewing books, giving recommendations, and I got to tell you, many people have told me how much they like your book reviews on this podcast. And I personally have benefited from this. I’ve found your recommendations very rewarding, and I’ve read a number of books that I probably wouldn’t have found on my own just because you recommended them. So I just wanted to say thanks for all that. I really appreciate it and I know the listeners of Profiles In Prosperity appreciate it as well. So let’s get into the top three business books for 2022. And are these in any order?

Dave Rothacker: No, they are not. I thought about it, but I pretty much love the three of them all the same.